“A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.” - John Grogan

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop:

  • The rescue pup with a new lease on life (and 4 new legs)

  • A rough first week back

  • Will your dog’s personality change over time?

Did you know?
The only sweat glands dogs have are in their paws. That little surface area usually iisn't enough to cool them down when they’re hot, which is why they “ventilate” and release heat through panting.

This rescue dog gets a fresh start after receiving four prosthetic legs
Monika, an adorable Russian rescue dog, is up and about after receiving four prosthetic legs.

In December of 2020, Monika was found with injuries to all four paws. The shelter workers who cared for her worked hard to raise enough money for Monika to get an operation from a veterinarian who specializes in prosthetics for animals.

Sergei Gorshkov successfully gave Monika four personalized prosthetic legs. Three days after the operation, Gorshkov reported, “she started standing up and walking around the clinic, going from room to room.”

“People find some consolation in animals, and so by treating animals, I treat people,” Gorshkov said.

Once Monika is fully recovered from the operation, she’s expected to work with a London-based animal behaviorist before starting a new life with her forever family. Go Monika!

Image courtesy of People.

Off Leash
That post-holiday back to work feeling…

Your dog’s personality can change over time
It may sound surprising, but new research suggests that your dog’s personality will likely change over the course of its life. Just like when people go through life changes and exhibit different behavior as a result, a dog’s personality traits can change “to a surprisingly large degree.”

Not only that, but our behavior toward our dogs can shape their personalities. You’re probably familiar with the idea that pets resemble their owners. It turns out that this applies to a dog’s personality, too.

Based on a survey of over 1,600 dogs and their owners, researchers found correlations between owner behavior and dog personalities in several key areas. For instance, extroverted humans rated their dogs as more excitable and active. Owners who rated themselves as agreeable rated their dogs as less fearful and less aggressive to people and animals.

Interestingly, researchers found that the “sweet spot” to train your dog is when they’re about 6 years old – after their puppy phase, but before they become set in their ways.

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