“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.” - Edith Wharton

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop:

  • And we thought sharing the couch with one dog was a lot…

  • The secret ingredient for your dog’s healthiest winter

  • Meet the "gentlemen of the terrier group”

Did you know?
The average dog can understand about ___ words.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

What it's like to own 15 sled dogs in Alaska
Ever wonder what it’s like to share a home with 15 sled dogs? Dog-lover Alyssa (@SierraHuskyTours on Instagram) can give you an idea. Based on the pictures, it seems pretty wonderful.

Alyssa loves huskies – who doesn’t? – and cohabitates with 15 Siberian huskies and Alaskan malamutes in her Sierra Nevada home.

Huskies are energetic creatures that enjoy long runs and serious playtime. Although you might think that Alaskan snow dogs prefer the cold, these good-natured sled dogs can be seen out and about no matter the weather.

In the winter, Alyssa’s huskies enjoy scampering through the snowy forest. In the fall and spring, she connects them to her four-wheeler and lets them zip around her full-acre yard. Look at these sled dogs go!

Image courtesy of @SierraHuskyTours.

Looking to give your dog a glow-up this winter? Flax seeds are a great source of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. They’re also a great way to boost your pup’s skin, coat, and immune system (let’s face it, we could all use a little help in that department this year).

Help your dogs look and feel their best by adding flax oil or freshly ground flax seeds at mealtime. When introducing flax seeds to your dog’s diet, remember to start small and work your way up.

Make your own no bake peanut butter flax seed treats:

  • What you’ll need: peanut butter, rolled oats, freshly ground flax seeds, and water.

  • Combine the flax seed, oats, and peanut butter.

  • Add just enough water to create a malleable dough.

  • Roll the dough into 24 balls.

  • Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  • Treat your dog!

A one-of-a-kind dog breed
Looking to bone up on your dog breeds? Get to know the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. This spunky, silly dog breed has a very distinct look and personality.

Known as the "gentlemen of the terrier group," these sweet terriers have large heads and distinctive hairdos. Dandies are highly intelligent, full of energy, and they’re great with families, kids, and other pets.

Although they were originally bred to hunt otters and badgers, Dandies are very rare nowadays. If you happen to come across one, these devoted, social pups make wonderful companions.

Learn more about the adorable Dandies here!

Did you know?
Answer: 165! The smartest of the smart can learn up to 250 words. Talk about a clever canine!

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