“There’s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around.” - Dick Dale
Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:
Giraffe or dog?
A new treat for the new year
Does your dog know when you’re lying?
True or False...
You can tell how your dog is feeling based on how their ears look.
(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Meet Brodie, the giraffe of dogs
Brodie is quite an interesting dog. Because of his unique history, Brodie appears to have an exceptionally long neck, resulting in him often being compared to a giraffe (and his spots don’t exactly help the cause).
Brodie is an Azawakh – a breed that’s related to greyhounds and whippets. Azawakhs are already likely to have long necks, but in Brodie’s case, an unfortunate accident caused him to have one of his shoulders amputated. As a result, Brodie’s neck appears to be especially long.
Thankfully, Brodie is now fully healed and as healthy as can be. His owner is very grateful for him. "From Brodie, I definitely learned not to give up so easily,” she said. “He got through it all like it was nothing and with a smile on his face." Check out this inspiring long-necked boy!
Image courtesy of People.
New year, new treat. The next time you want to make your dog something extra special, try these delicious homemade chicken bacon dog biscuits.
They’re super easy to make and an instant favorite for pups.
Make Your Own Chicken Bacon Dog Biscuits:
What you’ll need: chicken breast, mashed sweet potato, an egg, whole wheat flour, finely chopped crispy bacon.
Preheat the oven to 350º F.
Combine the chicken, sweet potato, and egg in a blender or food processor.
Mix in the flour and bacon.
Roll the dough out to ¼ inch and cut it with a cookie cutter.
Bake on parchment paper for about 35 minutes.
Allow the biscuits to cool for at least an hour.
Image courtesy of DailyPaws.
Can your dog tell when you're lying to them?
We’ve all told some little white lies to our pups. “Sorry, the table scraps are all gone.” “Oh no, it’s too cold outside for a walk…” You know what we mean.
So, is your dog onto you? According to a new study, dogs know when you're lying to them about almost anything.
In this study, dogs were presented with two bowls – one containing a hidden treat. A human told the dog which bowl contained a treat. Then, the dog observed another human move the treat to the other bowl. This time, when presented with the wrong bowl, half of the dogs ignored the human’s advice.
Be advised next time you lie to your dog – they’re smarter than you think!
True or False...
Answer: TRUE! If your pooch’s ears are laying flat back against their head, they may be feeling scared or insecure. If they're pointing straight up, they're alert and on the case.
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