"If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, dogs would outlive us all." - Unknown

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:

  • This golden’s favorite toy is absolutely hilarious

  • Meet today’s snow-loving DOTD

  • Is your dog actually ticklish or is something else going on?

Did you know?
As pet parents, we assume most others know a thing or two about dog obedience (or at least the obvious dos and don'ts). The internet proved us wrong, however, when we stumbled upon a list of the weirdest dog laws in the world. This week, enjoy our DYK series highlighting some of the funniest laws made for pet parents!

Weird Dog Laws: Day 1
In Chicago, IL it is illegal to give a dog whiskey. It’s also illegal to bring your French Poodle to the opera.

This golden retriever has a hilarious favorite toy
Forget about tennis balls and squeaky toys. This golden retriever’s favorite toy is a mini Bose speaker. (Yep, this is one of those stories we had to see to believe, too.)

Ben, a sweet golden retriever with great taste in music, carries his little speaker with him wherever he goes. In an adorable TikTok video with over 3 millions views, Ben can be seen toting his speaker and listening to tunes all over the house.

Whenever the speaker needs to be charged, Ben gets a little jumpy, and it’s no surprise why. Research suggests that music can help lower a dog’s heart rate and improve their breathing. Thankfully, for most of the day, Ben can chill out to his favorite ‘80s jams. Rock on, Ben!

Video courtesy of @benjralphie.

Dog of the Day
Meet today’s Dog of the day: Barley!

Barley is a winter puppy who loves to just sit in the snow. Thanks to Daily Dig reader Kayla C. for sharing this sweet pic of her pooch!

P.S.Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com or DM us on Instagram! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).

Are dogs ticklish?
If you’ve ever noticed your dog having a silly response when you’re petting them, you may have wondered: Is your dog ticklish?

The answer is: Kind of. Dogs rarely have the sort of laughing and squirming reaction that people do when they’re touched in a ticklish place. For dogs, a more common response is knismesis. This means that they experience a sensation that feels almost like an itch, or something that needs to be shaken off.

So, if your tickling your dog, and there’s an involuntary reaction – almost like they’re shaking off a bug – that is probably why. Of course, as you’ve probably observed, it feels good for dogs to have some of those “itchy” spots scratched. Common tickle spots include a dog’s belly, ears, paws, and on their back near their tail.

Just like people, you can usually tell if your dog is in the mood to get tickled based on their body language. A positive response like an arched back or a tail wag means that you found the sweet spot.

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