"Did you know that there are over 300 words for love in canine?" - Gabriel Zevin
Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:
A celebrity dog trainer and her traveling pack
Homemade Valentine’s Day treats for dogs 💕
Does your dog understand “I’m sorry?”
True or False...
The Great Dane is the tallest dog breed.
(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Celebrity dog trainer mastering new tricks
Meet Sara Carson, a celebrity dog trick trainer with a talented group of dogs. Carson is the dog mom of three border collies, plus a golden retriever puppy. Her dog family is known as the Super Collies.
Carson has done amazing work training her pups. Each dog has a unique skill set, and Carson lets the dogs take the lead based on their preferences. For instance, 8-year-old Hero
loves to dance, Marvel is an award-winning Frisbee player, and Hawkeye can do a walking handstand.
Based in Lexington, KY, Carson and the Super Collies travel all over the country, hitting up roadside attractions along the way. Carson said she “absolutely loves just watching a dog's brain work. Seeing them go from zero to 100 with a behavior is really fulfilling for me, and I think it's so much fun.” Check out the Super Collies in action!
Video courtesy of Daily Paws.
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and it’s a perfect time to show your dog just how much you care about them!
These easy-to-make Valentine’s Day dog treats will make your dog fall in love with you all over again with every bite. Plus, with nutrient-packed ingredients, these frozen treats are healthy and delicious.
Make your own valentine dog treats:
What you’ll need: strawberries, a banana, plain Greek yogurt, and a silicone heart-shaped freezer mold.
Blend the ingredients in a blender.
Pour the mixture into the heart-shaped mold.
Give your pup a Valentine’s Day treat they'll love!
Image courtesy of Golden Daily Scoop.
What we're digging
Imagine being able to enjoy a wine tasting experience from the comfort of your home…tasting notes, pairing suggestions, dog by your feet and all.
Kind of a dream come true, right? With Bright Cellars, that dream can become a reality.
Bright Cellars was created to help you discover quality wines from around the world, delivered directly to your door. Each shipment includes personalized matches chosen specifically for your unique palate. They’re so confident you’ll love their selections that they’ll even send you a replacement bottle at zero charge in your next shipment if you don’t.
The best part? Daily Dig readers get 50% off their first box!
Follow this link to see your wine matches and redeem your discount before it expires (Friday, 2/11).
Do dogs understand when we say sorry?
We’ve all been there. You accidentally step on your dog’s paw or tail, and instantly get that look of hurt and betrayal that breaks your heart. So, when you apologize to your dog, do they understand?
Research on dogs suggests that they have emotional capabilities similar to a two-year-old child, and can experience emotions like happiness, fear, excitement, and stress. Additionally, studies have found that dogs can pick up behavioral and psychological cues from humans to differentiate between human emotions.
So, the answer is – yes, they can understand a heartfelt apology (and it’s likely that they accept it, too).
So, what’s the best way to apologize to your dog if you’ve messed up or startled them with a loud noise? Use a soft, calm voice and give them some gentle loving attention, like a belly rub. It’s best not to offer treats in these moments, as that can be confusing to your dog. Instead, a little TLC will do the trick.
True or False...
Answer: FALSE! The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest of all dog breeds. The breed standard designates that male Irish Wolfhounds should be a minimum of 32 inches tall (30 inches for females). Many males stand 35 inches tall - almost 3 feet!
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