"After years of having a dog, you know him. You know the meaning of his snuffs and grunts and barks. Every twitch of the ears is a question or statement, every wag of the tail is an exclamation." - Robert McCammon

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:

  • When normal dog treats won’t do the trick, reach for the Cheetos

  • Find out your pup’s Myers-Briggs archetype

  • Do dogs actually watch TV?

Did you know?
The American Kennel Club recognizes 31 types of this breed, all of whom have originated from different places across the globe.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Chihuahua lured to safety with...a packet of Cheetos
We’re grateful for the rescue crews that help bring lost dogs to safety. We know it can’t be easy, and this Chihuahua needed an especially unique approach…

After being spotted along the freeway in San Diego, professional dog rescuers and California highway patrol tried to bring a lost Chihuahua to safety. After six unsuccessful attempts, two women in a nearby office had an idea.

Linda Lynch figured, “What dog doesn't love Cheetos?” She grabbed a bag from her desk and, along with her coworker, Caroline Brewer, was able to lure the tiny dog to safety.

Lynch and Brewer brought the Chihuahua to the Humane Society, where he earned his extremely fitting name: Cheeto Murphy. 🧡

Ever heard of the Myers-Briggs test? This popular personality test is designed to show you your dominant personality traits. Thankfully, there is now a version for dogs.

Created by canine behaviorists, this personality test is designed to show you which archetype best describes your dog. Take the quiz and let us know what you think!

What we're digging
Revival believes that a one-of-a-kind rug shouldn’t cost a month’s rent. And as dog parents who are no strangers to muddy paws and inevitable dog hair, we couldn’t agree more.

This home goods marketplace has completely transformed the way we shop for furniture by finding well made and affordably-priced pieces from makers around the world, all available online.

If you’re looking to transform or spice up your space, check out Revival’s high-quality, long-lasting rugs that provide style and comfort for you, your home, and - most importantly - your pup.

Shop Revival here.

Can dogs actually "watch" television?
What’s more relaxing than curling up on the couch with your dog to watch TV? Your dog may happily sit by your side, but it’s natural to wonder if they’re actually seeing what you’re seeing.

While humans have a better sense of sight than dogs, dogs actually have better motion perception. Studies have tested the rate at which people and dogs can observe the flicker speeds of different kinds of light, and dogs see flicker rates around 50% faster than humans.

As a result, the light from a TV screen most likely appears to be rapidly flickering to a dog, making the images appear less real. High-def TVs are a little better, as far as dogs are concerned. While your dog might not be following the story of the shows you binge, you can be sure that they enjoy your company!

Did you know?
Answer: Terriers!

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