"If I could be half the person my dog is, I'd be twice the human I am." - Charles Yu

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop:

  • FGF: the Brazilian artist who’s upcycling old tires into comfy dog beds

  • How to teach your dog to “go to bed!”

  • The science behind why your dog hates storms

True or False...
The Air Bud films were based on the sport savvy life of a real Golden Retriever.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Feel Good Friday: Brazilian artist creates trash-into-treasure dog beds
We love to see people helping out homeless pets, and when a good deed is combined with recycling, that really is the cherry on top!

Brazilian artist, environmentalist, and dog lover Amarildo Silva Filho was inspired to upcycle old tires into personalized dog beds. With a good cleaning, a custom paint job, and a hand sewn mattress, Silva Filho’s beds have made a world of difference to the animals in his neighborhood.

These delightful dog beds became so popular that environmentally conscious pet owners wanted to get in on the fun. Silva Filho launched a company called Caminhas Pet and has handcrafted over 6,000 pet beds. However, the majority of Silva Filho’s creations have gone to animals in need.

Silva Filho said, “The only way to do a great job is to love what you do.” We’re thrilled to see that so many pets in need now have a cozy and colorful upcycled spot to sleep!

Image courtesy of Good News Network.

Ideally, you want your dog to be able to go to bed on command. How do you teach your pup this useful trick? It’s actually way easier than you probably thought.

Here’s how to teach your dog how to go to bed:

  • What you’ll need: a dog bed (or a towel or blanket) and treats.

  • Place the dog bed, blanket, or towel 6-10 feet away from you.

  • With your dog beside you, say “Go to bed.”

  • Go with your dog to the bed and have them lie down.

  • Give them a treat and some praise for a job well done!

  • Repeat this many times and, when your dog is ready, send your dog to bed by itself. Remember to be patient with your pup as it learns this command.

Can dogs sense barometric pressure?
When a storm is brewing, you may have noticed that your dog gets a little anxious or scared. This is totally normal, and it’s because dogs can sense a change in barometric pressure.

During a storm, the barometric pressure drops. While humans may not notice the difference, your dog certainly can. That’s because the drop in pressure and the increase in moisture in the air can cause an increase in static electricity, which can build up on your dog’s fur.

It’s understandably uncomfortable for a dog. That’s why your dog may respond with physical cues like pacing, cowering, or lip licking.

While you can’t change the barometric pressure, you can help your dog to feel more comfortable by providing a safe, enclosed space where your dog feels secure. A weighted blanket or shirt can be soothing, and some background noise or music can also help to calm your dog down. Don’t worry – soon the storm will pass!

True or False...
Answer: TRUE! Buddy the Golden Retriever was found by Kevin di Cicco as a stray in the Sierra Nevada mountains in 1989. Kevin brought Buddy home to San Diego where he trained him to play basketball, baseball, football, soccer, and hockey.

His first televised appearance was on America’s Funniest Home Videos. He then gained more fame dunking baskets on David Letterman’s “Stupid Pet Tricks” segment, eventually earning him the famous role of Air Bud.

Follow-up fun fact: Buddy was also cast as Comet, the beloved family dog in 6 seasons of Full House!

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