"All dogs are therapy dogs. Some just freelance." - Unknown

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop:

  • A happy ending for two pups and their heroes

  • Dogs that just love (like, really love) the water

  • What your dog’s sleeping position says about how they’re feeling

Did you know?
During filming, Daddy - the famous St. Bernard who played the killer dog, Cujo, in the Stephen King-based thriller - was such a happy boy that he’d often wag his tail during scenes where he was supposed to be scary and mean.

He had so much fun on set that at one point, his handlers had to strap his tail to his leg to keep it from wagging so much! Film editors missed one particular scene where Cujo is filmed from behind, ready to attack, but you can clearly see his tail wagging enthusiastically.

Abandoned puppies adopted by cops who found them
We love a happy ending, and we’re glad to say that these previously abandoned pups have found a new home.

After a call was made about a “vicious” dog, Detroit police officers arrived and found the dog in question wasn’t vicious at all – she was merely scared. The officers noticed that the dog didn’t want to leave the house. When they went inside, they found her two little puppies.

All three dogs – who’ve been named Minera, Harry Potter, and Hermione – were taken to the Aries Doberman Liberation Rescue in Grand Rapids to receive medical care.

The best part? The puppies have been adopted by the officers who found them. “I've been telling myself lately I want a little puppy. This one just kind of fell into my lap, so it was kind of meant to be," Officer Hussein Kourani shared.

The puppies’ mother, Minerva, is being treated for heartworm, and then will be available for adoption, as well.

Image courtesy of Newsweek.

Off Leash
If you need a good laugh this morning…

Dog sleeping positions and what they mean
Have you noticed that your dog tends to sleep in different positions? Just like humans, dogs will sometimes change up the way they sleep. Their positioning can tell you about their mood and overall well-being.

Here are some common sleeping positions and what they mean:

  • Side-Sleeping – Side-sleeping is a sign that your dog is feeling safe and relaxed.

  • Tummy-down – When your dog sleeps with its stomach against the floor and paws to either side (like Superman), it means they’re tired, but can be ready to play at a moment’s notice. This is a common position for a daytime nap.

  • The Donut – When your dog’s body is curled into an adorable donut shape, that can mean your pup protecting itself or adjusting to the temperature.

  • Head Raised – If you find your dog sleeping with its head propped up on the arm of the couch, that might mean they’re having breathing issues and need to get more air.

  • On the Back – A dog that’s sleeping on its back is cozy and comfy in their environment.

  • Underneath a Blanket – If your dog is burrowed underneath a blanket, it may be seeking comfort and security. This might be the position they take during a storm.

  • The Cuddle Bug – Cuddling up next to you or another dog is a sign of affection and bonding. In other words, your dog loves you!

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