"Dogs have boundless enthusiasm, but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach." - Moby

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop:

  • Turning paw prints into paintings

  • Homemade CBD gummies for your pup

  • Do dog owners really get more exercise?

True or False...
Australian Shepherds are native to Australia.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

The artist who turns paw prints into works of art
Our dogs improve our lives in so many ways, and this dog is helping out his owner with her creative projects.

Artist Keiko Carter loves spending time with her golden retriever, and together they make beautiful works of art. Carter released a TikTok video showing how they work.

First, Carter paints her pup’s paw and then presses it down onto a blank canvas. She then adds detail to the paw print, turning it into an intricate mountain range. Of course, she rewards her dog with a treat for his helpful contribution.

Check out Keiko’s art and the adorable video of the pair working together!

Video courtesy of @artbykeikocarter.

CBD oil has become a popular treatment for a variety of ailments for humans, and it turns out that CBD is safe for dogs too! It can help pups with a range of things from pain relief to behavioral issues.

Looking for a new way to incorporate CBD into your dog’s diet? It’s actually super easy to make CBD gummies for dogs.

Make your own bone broth CBD gummies:

  • What you’ll need: bone broth, turmeric, hot water, gelatin, CBD oil.

  • In a small bowl, whisk the hot water and bone broth.

  • Slowly add the gelatin as you continue whisking.

  • Stir in the CBD liquid.

  • Using an eyedropper, fill a silicone gummy bear mold.

  • Refrigerate for an hour.

  • Give your dog a tasty treat!

What we're digging
“I work hard so my dog can have a better life.” - All of us (and we assume you too, since you’re subscribed to a daily newsletter all about dogs). Now it’s time to let that hard-earned money work for you so you can enjoy that sweet life you’ve given your dog.

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Do more with your money and check out MoneyMade here!

Do dog owners really get more exercise?
There are obviously many benefits to having a dog in your life, and increased physical activity is one of them. It should come as no surprise that dog owners walk more than non-dog owners simply because dogs like to walk around.

However, a new study found a correlation between owning a dog and other types of exercise, besides walking.

According to this study, dog owners spent about 200 more minutes of walking per week than people without dogs. Additionally, the study found that dog owners spent more time on activities like jogging, biking, and going to the gym compared to their non-dog owning counterparts.

Carri Westgarth, a lecturer in human-animal interaction at the University of Liverpool said, “If you feel that you have the time, inclination and finances to take on the responsibility of having a dog, they are a great motivator to get out walking when you otherwise would have made excuses not to."

True or False...
Answer: FALSE! They are not actually Australian. The Australian Shepherd came from the Basque region of Spain. Basque shepherds first took their dogs with them to Australia and then to the United States, so Americans were actually the first to call the dogs "Australian Shepherds."

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