"There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog." - Mira Grant

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop:

  • The heartwarming story of Suzy and her bucket list

  • Support your pup’s happiness and health with this personalized supplement plan

  • A guilty doodle

  • How your personality affects your dog’s training

Did you know?
What is the name of the dog on the front of the Cracker Jack box?
A. Jack
B. Max
C. Bingo
D. Fido

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Suzy's bucket list
When Suzy the rescue dog received a terminal diagnosis, her foster mom Jennifer Lynch decided to make sure that her days would be filled with love and adventure.

Lynch, a volunteer-turned-worker at the shelter where Suzy was dropped off, had experience with fostering pups, but had never taken on a hospice foster dog before. “I raised my hand and said I guess I’ll try it,” she recalled.

Lynch said that it was important to her to “tell the story of how even though she might not have a ton of time, we’re finding the best of it.” So, Lynch put together a bucket list of fun activities for Suzy.

The bucket list included 70 dog-friendly experiences, including a dog wedding and a charitable lemonade stand. So far, Suzy has completed 50 of the items on the list. Lynch noted that Suzy has already outlived the vet’s predictions. We’re rooting for sweet Suzy and are so happy that she’s found such a loving, caring home.

Image courtesy of Daily Paws.

What we're digging
If you’re reading this, that probably means you’re an A+ dog owner. It also means you’ve likely experienced the heartache of being able to tell that your pup is not feeling 100%, and not knowing how to help them.

Since dogs can’t tell us what’s wrong, it’s up to us humans to pinpoint certain behaviors or symptoms and find the solution.

Fortunately, Bestfriend can help.

Bestfriend uses a 12-factor assessment to create a personalized daily supplement plan for your pup. Whether it’s itchy skin relief, easing a sensitive stomach, improving mobility, or simply getting a head start on preventive health, they’ll recommend supplement matches based on what you tell them about your bff.

Our favorite part? Every Bestfriend supplement is made locally in the US with high quality ingredients dogs love, and their packaging is made using sustainable plant-based materials.

Start your personalized profile here and view your dog’s supplement recommendations. Your best friend will thank you!

Off leash
"WHAT...did you do, Burke?"

Could your personality affect how (and what) your dog learns?
If you trained your dog from the time they were a puppy you might have wondered whether your personality could affect their training. Interestly, research suggests that yes – your personality can impact what your pup learns.

In a recent study, 75 dog owners filled out a survey at three different intervals of their dog’s training. The survey asked both about the owner’s personality and the dog’s progress.

Researchers found that, “along with factors like age, sex, and size, owner personality had a bearing on how well dogs reacted to behavioral correction.” For instance, dogs with extroverted owners were more likely to improve their fearful behaviors. Introverted dog owners saw less of an improvement.

One possible explanation for this result is that extroverts are more "enthusiastic, responsive to social stimuli, and value a high volume of social interactions." Regardless of your personality, as long as you’re confident with your pup, you’ll be able to train them to socialize just fine!

Did you know?
Answer: C. Bingo was his name-o. Sailor Jack and his dog, Bingo, first appeared on packages of Cracker Jack in 1918.

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