“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.” – Milan Kundera

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:

  • Watch an adorable Golden Retriever escort his little girl home from school

  • Our 4 go-to solutions for when dog hair is everywhere

  • The best way to catch some extra zzz’s

  • Does your dog actually understand their (many, many) nicknames?

Did you know?
A group of Corgis is typically known as a ____.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Golden Retriever helps little girl off the bus every single day
Dogs make the simple experience of coming home after a long day feel like a treat. We love how excited our dogs are to see us, and this Golden Retriever goes a step beyond for his little girl.

This adorable video shows their routine: a friendly Golden Retriever trots out to the bus stop when his little girl comes home from school. When she gets off the bus, she hands him her backpack. The best part? The pup dutifully carries her backpack inside for her.

Check it out. It’s so cute that you have to see it to believe it.

Is dog hair overtaking your home? We get it – dogs can shed quite a bit. Thankfully, there are ways to manage your dog’s shedding. It’s easier to get under control than you may have thought.

How to remove pet hair from your home:

  • Choose the right brush for your breed. Make sure to get a brush that’s suited for your dog’s hair and undercoat, and brush their coats regularly.

  • Bath time. Not all dogs love to hop in the bath, but washing your dog is a good way to remove excess fur before it winds up on your black sweaters.

  • Invest in a good vacuum. A high-quality vacuum can make all the difference. Don’t have time for a traditional vacuum? There are some robot vacuums that are powerful enough to catch all the dog hair.

  • Furniture covers. Sick of cleaning your couch? Get a machine-washable cover and just like that – problem solved.

Rest Easy With oHHo CBD, Designed to Deliver All-Over Body Comfort
March is National Sleep Awareness Month — let's sleep better together! oHHo products are designed to help your body reach the perfect zen.

They source from the finest hand-cultivated, organic, and sustainable farms, so what you put on or in your body is the cleanest and purest hemp for a good night's sleep.

Don't settle for tossing and turning — oHHo's Full Spectrum CBD is here to help you get those seven to eight hours of consistent sleep. Take 20% off + free shipping with code DAILYDIG20.

Here's to getting some extra zzz's.

Does your dog understand when you call them by a different name?
Do you have a nickname – or several – for your pup? Many dog owners do. So, can dogs understand when you call them by a pet name? The short answer: it depends.

Dogs are certainly able to respond to two different names. However, they’re most likely to remember them if the names are two-syllables, which may be related to the sing-songy way that these names tend to be said. Research also suggests that saying your dog’s name in a higher pitch will help them learn it.

When trying to teach your dog a new name – be it a new nickname, or the name you choose after an adoption – it’s a good idea to attach a positive association with the name. By offering a treat or praise after saying the name, your dog will feel an incentive to respond to it over time.

If your dog isn’t responding to its name, try using only one name. Consistency and clarity will help your dog learn.

Did you know?
Answer: Ok, we kind of tricked you on this one. A group of corgis is actually known by many names, including: a pack, a pocket, a wiggle, or a rowdy.

Other terms for this adorable group include corgi (pronounced corg-eye), a cackle, or even a murder.

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