“Dogs don’t make judgments about physical appearance or abilities, and they don’t care how big your house is or what you do for a living. They care about the quality of your character and your capacity to love.” Elizabeth Eiler

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop:

  • How one small dog with a huge heart inspired a charity with an important mission

  • A protein-packed tuna treat recipe your pup will drool over

  • The real reason why your dog’s giving you side eye

Did you know?
The American Kennel Club recognizes 3 types of poodles - Toy, Miniature, and Standard - but other registration agencies (and poodle enthusiasts) recognize 2 additional variations. Can you name the other 2?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Feel Good Friday: How a dog’s love evolved into a charity for kids living with HIV
One dog’s unconditional love not only saved his owner – it inspired a charity that’s helping children living with HIV.

Dr. Rob Garofalo, a Chicago-based pediatrician, was diagnosed with HIV in 2010. Shortly after that, he adopted Fred, a small dog with a huge heart. Inspired by Fred’s sweet demeanor and constant affection, Garofalo started a charity in 2013 whose mission is to ensure that HIV-positive youth receive the care, services, and support needed to lead healthy and productive lives.

“Fred may no longer be by my side, but what will follow in his memory is a movement he inspired,” Garofalo said. “A focus on supporting HIV-positive young people is essential to curb the spread of HIV and make the world a better place for future generations.”

Since its inception, Fred Says has distributed more than $300,000 to nonprofit organizations all over the country.

Image courtesy of @fredsays.

Looking for a new treat for your dog? These tuna & turmeric treats are easy to make at home.

With healthy ingredients, including protein-rich tuna and nutritional yeast, these treats will satisfy your pup’s sense of taste and smell. Plus, the anti-inflammatory qualities in turmeric will keep your dog feeling its best.

How to make your own tuna & turmeric dog treats:

  • What you’ll need: oat flour, buckwheat flour, tuna, nutritional yeast, chopped parsley, water, olive oil, and turmeric.

  • Preheat the oven to 350º F.

  • Mash the tuna in a bowl.

  • Add the olive oil.

  • Stir in the flour, yeast, and parsley. Mix well.

  • Add water to form the dough.

  • Roll the dough to ¼’’ thickness.

  • Cut the treats with a circular cookie cutter.

  • Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden and firm to touch.

  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

  • Give your dog a treat!

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What is “Whale Eye”?
Have you ever caught your dog giving someone side eye? When a dog faces straight ahead and looks to the side, exposing the whites of their eyes, it’s called “whale eye.” So, what does it mean?

This behavior generally indicates that a dog is tense or uncomfortable. But how do you know if they’re actually giving “whale eye,” or if they’re just looking to the side? You can tell by the position of your dog’s head. If their head is forward and their gaze is averted to the side, that’s generally a sign that something is causing them discomfort.

If you see a dog doing whale eye, it’s best to give it some space. Resist the urge to pet or comfort in that moment, as that can actually cause more tension. Take a breath, give it a moment, and soon your dog should be back to its normal happy self!

Did you know?
1. Klein (Moyen) Poodle - best described as a small standard poodle
2. Teacup Poodle - the tiniest of the poodle group, usually weighing in at only 5-7 pounds!

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