“Bliss is the result of a silent conversation between me and my dog.” - Unknown
Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:
Watch Weller enjoy his favorite (hilarious) hobby
Meet today’s adorable rescued DOTD
5 common dog behaviors explained
True or False...
Dogs can be left or right-pawed.
(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Watch This Bernese Mountain Dog Celebrate His One True Love: Jumping into Bushes With Reckless Abandon
Sometimes it’s the simple things that seem to bring our dogs the most joy. We don’t always understand why they love what they love, but we love to see them happy. That’s why we can’t stop watching this adorable Bernese Mountain Dog.
According to his owner, Weller – a 10-month-old rescue dog – is “obsessed with bushes.” Not only has Weller adjusted to his forever home, he’s even found a favorite hobby: repeatedly jumping into the hedges in his yard.
In a compilation video with over 3 million views, Weller gleefully jumps into the bushes with the enthusiasm of a child jumping into a ball pit. Check it out. It’s sure to put a smile on your face!
Video courtesy of @thebernerbunch.
Dog of the Day
Meet today's Dog of the Day: Sammy!
Sammy, named after the Cat in the Cat Tale, was rescued after his 10 day hold time at a high kill shelter. His owners sometimes refer to him as “Sam-boneybutt” or “Samboni” because - at only 14 pounds - he had no fat or muscle when they rescued him. Sammy is now a 19 pound, very happy boy who walks with his master, Ronnie, for their heart health, a 1.5 mile promenade every morning. He's been with his family for 10 years this spring and just turned 11.
Thank you to Daily Dig reader, Mary C. from Fort Oglethorpe, GA, for sharing this adorable picture of Sammy with us!
P.S. Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).
Common dog behaviors and what they mean
While all dogs have their own unique personality, there are certain behaviors that are common among all canines. Recognizing these behaviors can help clue you in to what your dog is thinking and feeling.
Here are some common behaviors you might have observed in your pup and what they mean:
Howling. Some breeds are more prone to howling than others. It’s one way that your dog may be alerting you to some kind of danger. It might also simply be your dog’s way of communicating with you. For instance, Siberian Huskies howl often – it’s how they “talk” and express emotions.
Looking at you before they do something. Dogs are social animals and consider you the leader of their pack. When they look at you before doing something, it’s likely that they’re simply checking in for reassurance. It’s also possible that they just like looking at you, because they love you!
Sitting on your feet. When your dog plops down on your feet, it could be their way of telling you that they want some love. If you have guests over and your dog sits on your feet, it can also mean that they’re “claiming ownership” over you.
Heavy panting. Panting is your dog’s way of cooling down. Most of the time, heavy panting is just that – a dog’s way of trying to chill out. However, if you’re worried that your dog has heat stroke, call the vet.
Spinning in circles before lying down. If your dog spins around a few times before lying down, it’s basically the equivalent of when you fluff your pillows before getting into bed. Dogs like to nest, and this is their way of feeling safe and secure in their bedtime routine.
True or False...
Answer: True! There have been a few studies around this and it turns out that just like humans, dogs have a preferred paw to lead with.
Find out whether your dog is left or right-pawed by giving them their favorite toy and seeing which paw they use to grab it first.
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