“My sunshine doesn’t come from the sky. It comes from the love in my dog’s eyes.” - Unknown

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop:

  • We never knew we needed a food truck for dogs until now

  • Best doggy daycare ever? We think yes.

  • Balance your news with this independent newsletter

  • How to read your dog’s body language

Did you know?
This breed weighs only 1.5lbs at birth but gets up to 180lbs as a full grown adult dog.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Woofbowl: The Food Truck for Dogs
Love bringing your dog along for outdoor dining? If you’re in the Los Angeles area, there’s now a food truck that’s just for dogs.

Woofbowl, a popular company that serves dog food on wheels in New York City, has made a trip out west. Making stops from the Silverlake Dog Park to Rosie’s Dog Beach, Woofbowl offers “fast food, doggie style.”

With favorites like grass-fed beef sliders, chicken nuggets, grain-free pizza, ice-cream donuts, and bone-broth “beer,” there’s so much for your pup to enjoy. Even though owners Ron and Solo Holloway lovingly refer to their menu as fast food, Woofbowl serves superfood-packed treats designed to increase your dog’s energy levels, strengthen their muscles, and reduce allergies. Plus, 95% of the packaging is recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable.

Want to check it out? Woofbowl updates their location frequently on their website.

Image courtesy of The Wildest.

Off leash
Best doggy daycare ever.

What we're digging
"Dangerously close to becoming the highlight of my day." - Pranav, New York, NY

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What your dog's body language is telling you
Do you feel like you can read your dog’s mind? Since dogs can’t speak to us, their communication is non-verbal. It turns out you can learn quite a bit about what’s going on with your dog by learning to read their body language.

So, what is your dog’s body language trying to tell you? Take a look at their whole body, and remember to consider the full context of what’s going on with your pup.

  • Ears. For most breeds, ears that are up and facing forward indicate a happy, confident dog. When your dog is relaxed, their ears will typically hang in a neutral position. If your dog’s ears are pinned tightly to their head, that’s a sign of distress or unease.

  • Eyes. A dog’s eyes and eyebrows will appear relaxed when they’re feeling relaxed. When dogs are stressed, they can exhibit “whale eye,” which is when the whites of their eyes are very visible. A hard stare can indicate that your dog doesn't want you to approach.

  • Tail. You may think that tail-wagging is a good thing, but that’s not always the case. A relaxed tail that’s slightly wagging generally indicates a relaxed dog. However, if your dog’s tail is wagging at a lower level than normal, that could be a sign that your dog is nervous. If their tail is raised high, that can indicate that they’re anxious.

  • Face. If your dog’s mouth is slightly open, they’re probably relaxed. If you notice that your dog’s mouth is tightly shut, this can be a sign of anxiety. Licking their lips and yawning are also signs that your dog might be in distress.

By listening to what your dog’s body language is trying to tell you, you can help your dog feel happier and more relaxed!

Did you know?
Answer: Saint Bernard! It can take as long as three years for them to stop growing, although most of the growing happens in the first year. By 3 months old, Saint Bernard puppies can weigh as much as 40lbs.

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