“Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog.” - Charles F. Doran

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:

  • This surfing Min Pin will make your Monday

  • Meet today’s DOTD (and her hilarious tongue)

  • Rest easy with this stress-relieving wearable

  • Did you know there’s a “right” way to walk your dog?

Did you know?
The French Bulldog’s roots actually trace back to this country (hint: it’s not France).

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Watch Rusty the Surfing Min Pin Hang Ten with the Best of Them
Need a pick-me-up this morning? This red Miniature Pinscher is sure to put a smile on your face.

Six-year-old Rusty is a surfing pro. His owner, Sophia Sadlowski, started taking him to the beach and helping him onto a surfboard when he was just a puppy. Rusty took to it right away, and at four months old, this adorable pup placed in his first surfing competition.

"He gets so much joy out of it, and it makes me happy to see him that happy." Sadlowski said. She added, "He doesn't really show any fear." An active and enthusiastic athlete, Rusty also loves skateboarding, snowboarding, and sledding.

Sadlowski adopted Rusty shortly before her mother died. She said that Rusty helped her “go outside and start doing fun things again” after her mother's death. She added, “Physically and mentally, I'm a healthier person than I would've been without Rusty.”

Check out the adorable videos of Rusty on the move. You may learn a thing or two about catching some waves!

Dog of the Day
Meet today's DOTD: BooBoo!

BooBoo is almost 7 years old and helped her family through the pandemic in ways she’ll never know. She has a huge personality and an even bigger tongue that can barely fit in her mouth. BooBoo is a stickler for everyone sitting in certain spots in her home and sighs at you if she can’t fall asleep because she isn’t touching you. She’s also a rule follower and enforcer at her daycare and loves teaching the new dogs how to behave.

Thank you to Daily Dig reader Heather F. and BooBoo’s Dad Chris, sisters Maddie and Liv, brother Collin, and best friend Griffin the cat for submitting her for DOTD!

P.S. Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).

Improve your response to stress to sleep better with this game-changing wearable
Stress messing with your sleep? Melt feelings of anxiety away with Apollo, the wearable that helps your body manage stress better.

Instead of taking something to help you sleep, wear the Apollo device on your wrist or ankle and let touch therapy take over. Apollo sends silent, soothing vibrations through the body to calm your nerves, help you unwind and improve your overall quality of sleep.

In fact, in a study with over 500 participants, Apollo users enjoyed 19% more time in deep sleep, on average.

Rest easy and take 10% off when you get Apollo Neuro today.

Does your dog walking style need improvement?
Dog walking seems pretty self-explanatory, but there are pro-tips that’ll make your walks both safe and productive.

So, how do you make the most of your time outside? Whether you’re a new pet parent or just looking to upgrade your routine, here’s what you need to know about walking your dog.

What to bring:

  • A front-clip harness. If your pup tends to pull on the leash, a harness will help ease them out of this behavior. On the other hand, if your dog “pancakes” to the ground or gets easily scared on walks, a Martingale collar can help make sure they don’t slip out of their leash.

  • Poop bags - preferably compostable ones. Always clean up after your dog.

  • Treats. There’s a ton of stimuli outside and you may need to teach your dog how to behave in public while you’re out. Your dog will listen when you have treats in hand.

  • Water. Bring some for you and your dog. Even on a cool day, it’s possible for your dog to become dehydrated.

  • A toy. If you’re hitting the dog park, bring something you can throw for your dog to retrieve.

Safety first:

  • Start slow. If you recently adopted a puppy, start out with a twenty minute walk. Once your pup gets used to it, you can increase your distance.

  • Do your research. Figure out how much exercise your dog needs, depending on their breed and age.

  • Consider the weather. Dogs are more sensitive to changes in the weather than we are, and both heat and cold can affect dogs. Bring a jacket for cold weather, and be sure to watch their paws on the hot sidewalk during the summer.

  • Get your dog a microchip. Just in case your dog slips away, a microchip can make all the difference in getting your pup back home.

Prioritize your dog’s well being:

  • Stick to a routine. It’s best to walk at the same time of day and to the same places. This will help your dog feel safe.

  • If you’re busy, hire a dog walker. Your dog needs regular walks, so hire a dog walker or dog walking company if you’re not going to be home.

Did you know?
Answer: England! Most sources trace the French Bulldog’s roots to English Bulldogs. Lace makers in England were drawn to the toy version of the dog and would actually use the smaller pups as lap warmers while they worked.

When the lace industry moved to France, they took their dogs with them. There, it’s believed that the small English Bulldogs bred with terriers to create “bouledogues français,” or French Bulldogs.
Source: Mental Floss

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