“It’s just the most amazing thing to love a dog, isn’t it? It makes our relationships with people seem as boring as a bowl of oatmeal.” – John Grogan 

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:

  • Reluctant Chow Chow refusing to walk is all of us going into work today

  • Meet today’s Dog of the Day

  • A little something for the humans (hint: it includes a discount)

True or False...
Dogs have 10 muscles in their ears.
(scroll to the bottom to find out the answer!)

Monday blues
We’ve never related to anything more in our lives.

This video of a chow chow refusing to walk has gone viral, racking up over 10.2 million views and 884k likes on TikTok, mostly because, well, it’s all of us some days.

The reluctant pup was spotted in Central Park, fully giving into his case of the Mondays and hitting the “decline” button on finishing their morning stroll. Onlookers smiled and laughed at the defeated human (who we assume felt similarly by this point), and several online commenters have compared the saga to “being forced to interact with other people outside the house” or, “being forced to leave Target.”

Caption this:
Send us your best captions at woof@dailydigdogs.com!

Image courtesy of DailyPaws.

Dog of the Day

Today's Dog of the Day comes from Milwaukee, WI. Meet: Lando!

Lando, named after Star Wars's Lando Calrissian, is "part human/part dog," according to his dad. He even affectionately refers to him as his "roommate" from time to time, but mostly when Lando's stealing his food or getting overly excited watching the Milwaukee Bucks. Look at his little smile!

P.S. Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).

What we're digging
Newsflash: Earth is the only planet with dogs. So, we make a conscious effort to do everything we can to protect it, and that includes swapping out standard products for eco-friendly ones whenever possible.

Our friends at honeycomb make switching to sustainable products simple with their tree-free toilet tissue. It's made with 100% bamboo, resulting in the softest, strongest sustainable tissue on the market, so you never have to sacrifice comfort or quality.

Still on the fence? They deliver straight to you and guarantee stock for their subscribers, meaning you’ll never find yourself without a roll again. Plus, readers of Daily Dig get 25% off their first order.

Use code DOGS25 at checkout to redeem 25% off your first honeycomb order (valid for new customers only)!

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