"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." - Louis Sabin

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:

  • Home for the holidays: the pet-proofing edition

  • Waterproof dog booties you can make in minutes

  • Meet: “the Hollywood Dog Groomer” (and a video that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face)

True or False...
The Alaskan Malamute is built to withstand arctic temperatures as low as -70°F.
(scroll to the bottom to see the answer!)

Decorating with dogs: the dos and don’ts
This time of year can be a bit chaotic, and we hate to break it to you, but having pets doesn’t exactly make it any easier. Not only do you have to lay out all of the decorations, decide which ones are making the cut, and then determine where they’re all going...you also have to consider whether or not your pooch is going to try and make Dancing Santa his own personal chew toy.

Stress not, there are plenty of easy ways to embrace the holiday spirit while keeping a safe space for Fido. We’ve compiled our top list of tips to keep in mind, or you can find additional pet-safety tips here.

  1. Avoid toxic decorations. You know that tinsel that makes everything sparkle and feel festive? Well, dogs love shiny objects too. Tinsel is one of the most dangerous decorations for pets, as it causes major intestinal issues if eaten. Consider skipping this decorating step or make sure all tinsel is out of paw’s height.

  2. Pay attention to plants. We’re talking mistletoe. Great for sneaking a smooch, not so great when discovered by your dogs. Mistletoe, poinsettias, holly, and pine needles are all poisonous to pets. Keep these out of their range or choose plastic replicas instead.

  3. Bury the cords. Added holiday lights = added cords throughout the house. To avoid any electrical disasters (i.e. curious pets chewing through the light strands), make sure all cords are tucked away, secured under cord covers or rugs, or completely out of reach.

  4. Create a cozy space. Extra guests in our homes can lead to extra stress on our pets. Combat this by creating a safe space your dog can relax in without being bothered. Whether it’s a bedroom or a crate, reinforce the ground rules that this zen zone is for dogs only so they continue to feel safe and secure.


If you’re lucky enough to live in a state with all four seasons, then you’re also unlucky enough to know what it’s like to take your dog on their daily walks in the winter.

Fortunately, we’ve found a simple solution that spares you the price tag of store-bought paw protection. These DIY booties are warm, waterproof, and grippy, everything your pooch needs for safe winter play time.

DIY Dog Booties
Skill level: easy
Materials: balloons, baby socks (or child-sized socks, depending on the size of your dog), scissors.

To make the booties, cut four balloons just below the hole/seam. Slip the socks onto all four dog paws, then cover them with the balloons (the wide part of the balloon should cover their full paw). That’s it! Your pup is set to brave the elements and will look hilariously cute while doing it.

Find photos and other DIY dog boot options here!

What we're digging
It’s no secret that we all tend to put in a little extra effort to look our best during the event-filled holiday season. Jess Rona, dog groomer to the stars (Katy Perry’s pup - Nugget - is one of her regulars), is helping dogs do the same.

Known for her “boofy” cuts, colorful dye jobs, and perfectly over-the-top post-groom accessories, this Hollywood groomer first became popular thanks to her slow motion blow dry videos set to music that matched each dog’s personality. (Click here to see one, make sure sound is on to make your whole day better.)

Now, Jess Rona leads her own dog groomer courses, is one of three hosts on HBO Max’s Haute Dog, and continues to delight us daily on Insta with posts of perfectly groomed pups.

Image courtesy of @JessRonaGrooming. Give her a follow to see our favorite posh pups!

True or False...
Answer: TRUE! You read that right, 70 degrees below 0.

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