"Before you get a dog, you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can't imagine living any other way." - Caroline Knapp
Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:
Time to add your dog to the weekly winter step challenge
Meet today’s Dog of the Day!
Monday fun-day: crossword pup-zzle edition
Did you know?
In 2020, the most popular dog breed in the US was the Labrador Retriever, followed closely by this breed.
(scroll to the bottom to find out!)
Should you treadmill train your dog?
The winter chill is officially here and you know what that means...it’s time to take our outdoor exercise routines to the ole’ frenemy: the treadmill. Unfortunately for our four-legged workout buddies, this usually marks the end of their running season. But, it doesn’t necessarily have to.
According to some veterinary sports medicine experts, training your pup to hit the treadmill could take as little as a few minutes, and is a safer exercise option when temps are too cold for your daily walks.
To get your dog in treadmill training mode, start by making sure they’re comfortable with the sound of the machine. Turn it on while they’re in the room and provide some positive reinforcement through treats. Once they’re comfortable with the idea of the machine, let them stand on the unmoving belt, allowing them to sniff around and get used to the feel under their paws (extra treats help during this step, as well).
Finally, start the treadmill at its slowest setting so your dog isn’t surprised. Lure them to walk with a treat and offer plenty of encouragement and praise. If your dog is usually a runner, gradually increase the speed, keeping a close eye on their comfortability and making sure they’re not confused by the pace change.
After a few days, your pup will be a master of the machine! (And you won’t feel as guilty if you just so happen to miss a day or two of your own workout routine.)
Dog of the Day
We asked for holiday pictures of your pups and - just like the big jolly guy himself - you all delivered!
Meet today’s Dog(s) of the Day dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus, sent in from loyal Daily Dig reader, Laura F!
P.S. Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).
What we're digging
If you’re in need of a little mental stimulation to get your brain back into work mode this week, we’ve got you covered.
Test your knowledge of dog breeds and solve this puzzle here!
Did you know?
Answer: the French Bulldog! Rising in popularity, it outranked the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever for the very first time.
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