"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does." - Christopher Morley

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop:

  • Feel Good Friday: The animal friendship that’s more than just cute

  • Starbucks puppucinos (without the added $6 latte)

  • The science behind puppy dog eyes

True or False...
Dogs are as smart as a two year old.

(scroll to bottom to find the answer!)

Feel Good Friday: animal bffs with a purpose
Being the fastest animal on earth, you probably assume that cheetahs are confident cats. Surprisingly, they’re actually incredibly sensitive creatures - so much so, that their innate social anxiety prevents them from breeding and is one of the root causes of their possible extinction. Fortunately, some zookeepers have discovered a (very adorable) solution to help cheetahs learn to socialize: emotional support dogs.

When you pair a cheetah cub with a socially dominant guide dog, the cat leans on the dog for behavioral cues and begins to mimic their behavior. They learn to feed off the dog’s calm, happy-go-lucky vibes and that helps them become more confident.

This newfound confidence inevitably helps the big cats become more social with fellow cheetahs, which eventually leads to natural procreation. “It’s a love story of one species helping another species survive,” says the VP of Animal Collections at the St. Louis Zoo. Call it whatever you like, we think it’s the sweetest unlikely friendship on the planet.

Image courtesy of Bored Panda.

Starbucks aficionados and dog lovers alike know that if you ask for a “puppucino” in the drive-thru, your barista will hand over a tiny cup of whipped cream for your pup to devour.

While this sweet treat is usually a special indulgence for dogs, it’s super simple to whip up (get it?) on your own at home. Plus, this version is sugar and dairy free, so you can feel even better about sharing it with your pup.

Make your own puppucino:

  • What you’ll need: 1 can of coconut milk, balloon whisk or mixer

  • Pour the can of coconut milk into a bowl (both liquid and solid contents)

  • Mix thoroughly with a fork/small whisk until the solids are incorporated into the liquids. Results should be frothy.

  • Chill overnight so that your cream holds its shape.

  • Beat the chilled coconut mixture with a balloon whisk or in a mixer until stiff peaks form.

  • Scoop a spoonful of your coconut whipped cream into a dixie cup or shot glass and watch your dog enjoy their tiny sweet treat!

What we're digging
In a study comparing the anatomy and behavior of dogs and wolves, researchers found that the facial muscles of both species were similar, with the exception of one trait. Dogs have a small muscle above their eyes that wolves do not, which allows them to intensely raise their inner eyebrow and form human’s favorite trait - puppy dog eyes.

Animal behaviorists suggest that the inner eyebrow raising movement by dogs triggers a nurturing response in humans because it makes their eyes appear bigger, “more infant-like,” and mimics expressions we make when we’re sad or wanting something. When dogs make this adorable expression, it tends to evoke a desire in us humans to look after and take care of them (guilty ​​✋).

Since this muscle doesn’t exist in dogs’ closest, non-domesticated relatives, it’s strongly believed that the puppy dog eyes trait can be directly linked to their enhanced social interaction and domestication with humans.

True or False...
Answer: TRUE! Studies have shown that dogs can learn over 100 words and gestures, which puts their intelligence levels on par with that of a two year old’s.

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