"You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘Wow, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!’" - Dave Barry

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop:

  • Meet Leo, the adorable attention-loving weirdo

  • Holiday Dogs of the Day!

  • Getting your pup back into their routine post-holiday chaos

True or False...
Small dogs can hear sounds in higher ranges than big dogs.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

This silly dog just wants attention
Leo, a sweet pup from the Netherlands, likes to squish his nose against all kinds of surfaces. When his owners tried to crate-train him, they started noticing that he would press his nose against the bars. At first, they were worried, but after spending hundreds of dollars at the vet to try and understand this strange behavior, Leo was diagnosed as a perfectly “healthy goofball that just likes to press his nose against things.”

Much to his owners’ relief, Leo just likes the attention. Not only do Leo’s silly faces make his owners laugh, they’ve realized that it’s also Leo’s way of communicating what he wants. For instance, when he smushes his snout on the door, it means he wants to go out. When he leans his nose against the couch, that’s his signal for naptime.

Leo’s owner Christine started posting videos on TikTok, and Leo immediately attracted fans. “I get told a lot of times in the comments under my videos that Leo has brightened their day and put a smile on their face," said Christine. "That really makes my day to hear that Leo has the ability to do that." See Leo’s squishing in action here!

Video courtesy of People.com.

Dog(s) of the Day
We asked for pics of your Christmas pups and, of course, you did not disappoint!

Special thanks to Angela N. for today’s Dogs of the Day, dressed to perfection in their cozy holiday scarfs!

P.S. Want your pup to be featured in a future Daily Dig? Submit their pic to woof@dailydigdogs.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything that makes them special (we know, we know, everything about them is special).

How to get your dog back into a routine after the holidays
If you’re traveling for the holidays, or taking time off for a staycation, it’s likely that your pup’s schedule has been turned upside down this month. Between getting extra treats from visitors and the excitement of leaving their familiar territory, it’s no wonder that your dog’s walk and sleep routines have been shaken up.

Thankfully, dogs are very resilient creatures. After the holidays are over and you’re ready to get back into your normal routine, your dog will likely be able to bounce back in just a few days.

Experts say that when it comes to returning to your normal routine, the name of the game is consistency. Structure will go a long way to help your pup get back on track. Regular mealtimes, a consistent sleep and exercise schedule, and clear communication should do the trick.

If you notice your pup acting out in the first few days after returning from the holiday break, fear not. It’s perfectly normal for your pup to bark or p-o-t-t-y inside when you first get home after being away. In most cases, with a little extra patience, love, and attention, your dog will be back to normal in no time.

True or False...
Answer: TRUE! The smaller a mammal's head is, the higher frequencies it can pick up and compare in each ear.

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