"Love is a four legged word."
Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
  • Looking for a fulfilling career change?
  • An absolutely day maker 
  • An overview on alternative therapies for your pets
Did you know?
Sailors often used this breed to catch rats aboard their ships because the hairless dogs wouldn’t catch fleas. The sailors would also place the dogs on sore spots on their bodies, using them like four-legged hot water bottles. 

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

How to turn your love of animals into a career
Looking to move into a career that celebrates your love of animals? Check out these hot tips from a director at the Humane Society.

First, some good news: Depending on the field you’re interested in, you may not need an animal-related degree. Unless your dream is to become a vet, gaining hands-on experience is often the most valuable way in the door. Volunteering or interning in your area of interest is a great way to start.

Next, there are many different career paths for animal lovers. Are you interested in supporting pet owners? Do you want to spend your days working in an animal rescue? By figuring out what you’re interested in and narrowing down your focus, you can start to make a game plan. 

Finally, you may think that most animal-related jobs are volunteer positions, but these days it’s totally possible to make a living – we’re talking a full-time job with benefits – while helping animals.

Off Leash
Alternative therapies for pets
Does your dog need a little extra TLC? Whether your dog is adjusting to a new normal with you going back to work, has some anxiety from a traumatic experience before they were rescued, or has chronic pain issues, alternative therapies for dogs are becoming increasingly popular. 

It’s totally normal to be skeptical of these alternative practices. Before trying anything, it’s a good idea to consult your vet to understand the issues that your dog may have.

Thinking about giving alternative therapies a try? Here are some of the options that are out there:
  • Hydrotherapy. From swimming to water aerobics to soaking in mineral baths, water therapy for dogs is something that you can find at certain practices run by licensed veterinarians. This low-impact treatment can help dogs recover from joint pain or a recent surgery.
  • Acupuncture. Chinese medicine and acupuncture for dogs can help alleviate pain and improve range of motion in the joints. This online database can help direct you to a local certified practitioner. 
  • Reiki and Sound Healing. Yes, this type of therapy is something you’re most likely to find in California, but many pet owners swear by it. Energy healing is designed to treat the mind, body, and spirit – for people and dogs. It can help soothe achy senior dogs and can help rescue dogs suffering from trauma.
  • Cold laser therapy. This painless, non-invasive therapy can help reduce inflammation and can accelerate the healing of disc and spinal issues in dogs. The technology has been around for 20 years, and is starting to gain popularity among dog owners.
Image of a sound bath session in progress, courtesy of @denurbandogretreat
Did you know?
Answer: The Chinese Crested! 
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