“The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.” — Ambrose Bierce
Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
  • A robot that will pet your dog while you’re away from home? Put us on the list. 
  • Now your dog can enjoy late-night pizza, too
  • These customizable, insanely easy, chef-crafted meals for humans = more time spent with dogs. Win-win.
  • The Xoloitzcuintle (say that 5 times fast…or even 1 time)
Did you know?
One unique dog breed was originally used to hunt puffin, can climb rocks, can fold his ears shut, has six toes, and can turn his head upside down (seriously, we're not making this up). Any guesses?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

California Teenager Invents the 'Bowwow' Robot to Pet Dogs While Owners Aren't Home
Does the thought of leaving your pup at home alone make you antsy? It’s natural for us to want our dogs to feel loved all the time, even when we have to go out. One teenager came up with a possible solution to this all-too-common problem.

Cassidy Matwiyoff, a high school senior in San Diego, California, has invented a robot designed to pet dogs. It’s called the Bowwow.

How does it work? The robot drops a treat for the dog to pick up. Then after a delay, the robot pets the dog.

After completing the prototype, Matwiyoff pitched the Bowwow to a group of engineers and professors at Chico State. Based on the feedback she received, she started conducting field research at the Helen Woodward Animal Shelter, testing her invention on dogs of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Once it's perfected, Matwiyoff hopes to pitch the idea on Shark Tank. Where do we invest??
Image courtesy of People.

Who doesn’t like pizza? The next time you want to give your dog a real treat, try making dog-friendly pizza at home. No brick oven required!  

How to make your own dog pizza at home:
  • What you’ll need: coconut flour, oregano, parsley, basil, an egg, chicken broth, mozzarella, mashed beets, turkey dogs, green pepper, anchovies – or whichever toppings you want to try!
  • Preheat the oven to 400º F.
  • Make the mashed beet sauce by boiling the beets for 45 minutes, and then mashing them. Set the “sauce” aside while you make the dough.
  • In a large bowl, whisk the flour, oregano, parsley, and basil. 
  • Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients. 
  • Add the egg.
  • Slowly add the chicken broth. 
  • Mix the dough together until it’s slightly sticky.  
  • Spray a pizza pan with a non-stick spray.
  • Press your dough into the pan.
  • Spoon the beet sauce onto the dough and add your toppings.
  • Bake for about 18-20 minutes, or until the crust is light brown on the edges.
  • Allow the pizza to cool, then enjoy!
What we're digging!
RealEats delivers delicious, chef-crafted meals (for humans!) you can customize just how you like. All you need is a pot or microwave and your meal is ready in 6 minutes or less, meaning you’ll get to spend less time cooking dinner and more time with your pets and loved ones. 

Every RealEats meal is made from clean, farm-fresh ingredients that are simply prepared to let them shine. Pick whatever you crave (like balsamic glazed flatiron steak or cheesy broccoli) from over 20,000 meal combinations that fit any diet

The best part? There’s no subscription required. RealEats is offering Daily Dig subscribers 35% off + free shipping on your first two boxes. Get started and use code DAILYDIG at checkout!
Get 35% off + free shipping on your first two boxes today!
Weird Breed Spotlight: Xoloitzcuintle
You may not have heard of this breed, and you most likely have no idea how to pronounce it. Don’t worry, we had to look it up too. Pronounced “Sho-Loytz-Quint-Lay,” these Mexican hairless dogs are often called Xolos (or “Show-Lows”) for short.

This ancient breed has been around for about 3 millennia. Back in the day, Xolos lived alongside the Aztecs. Today, Xolos are a rare breed.

There are several varieties of Xolo. Although most are hairless, some have a very short coat. There are also three different sizes of Xolo: toy, miniature, and standard.

These highly intelligent dogs are playful, affectionate, and deeply loyal to their family. Xolos don’t need that much exercise, and do well in smaller spaces. So if you live in a city, a Xolo might be right for you!
Did you know?
Answer: The Norwegian Lundehund!
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