"The face of a golden retriever feels like home." - David Rosenfelt
Happy Friday! Here's the scoop: 
  • It’s almost National Dog Mom Day! (Yes, it is a real holiday)
  • Mealtime manners your dog should know before heading to a fido-friendly restaurant
  • You should have a dog - science says so 
Did you know?
The ___________ breed was once used to guard breweries in Germany. 

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Tomorrow (5/14) is National Dog Mom's Day!
That’s right – Dog Mom’s Day is actually a holiday. Since 2018, we’ve been celebrating dog moms for all the love and care they bring to their dogs’ lives. 

So, how are you going to celebrate? 

Here are some fun ideas to make the most of this special day:

Go to brunch at a dog-friendly restaurant. Now’s the time to take advantage of the warm weather. Sit at a dog-friendly patio and treat yourself to a mimosa.

Hike with your dog. The great outdoors is essential to your pup’s health – and to yours. Today’s the day to explore a new trail, with new scenery and smells for your dog to enjoy.

Plan a puppy-playdate with your dog mom friends. Whether you plan to go to the dog park or hang in the backyard, the more the merrier. Plus, no dog mom playdate is complete without wine.

Relax on the couch for snuggles and a movie. In the evening, it’s time to chill out. Pick a movie and get cozy on the couch with the lucky pup who gave you the title of “Dog Mom.”
Happy Dog Mom's Day to all of our amazing dog mom readers! 🧡

Dinner is obviously an exciting time for dogs. So, how can you make it an enjoyable, low-key experience for everyone involved? 

It’s important to teach your dog mealtime manners. Training your dog on how to behave during a meal is especially important when you go out to a restaurant.

How to teach your dog mealtime manners:
  • Before going out, let your dog go to the bathroom. This way, you won’t have to get up in the middle of a meal.
  • Be consistent. If you don’t allow your dog to eat table scraps at home, don’t start giving your dog human food when you’re at a restaurant.
  • Don't allow your dog to pull towards other dogs. Instead, reward your pup with treats and praise for staying near you. 
  • Advocate for your dog. It's totally appropriate to ask other people to keep their dogs away from yours at a restaurant if you’re trying to keep a calm, chaos-free environment. 
6 reasons you should get a dog, backed by science
Lots of people report positive effects on their lives after adopting a dog. Now, there’s scientific evidence to back up this theory.

Check out these 6 scientific reasons why owning a dog is good for you:
  1. Dogs provide social support. The pandemic has been hard on everyone. If you’re feeling lonely or rejected (like, if you went on a bad date recently…) dogs can help boost your self-esteem and foster a sense of belonging.
  2. Dogs ease stress. Studies have shown that petting a dog can reduce feelings of anxiety and increase feelings of calm.
  3. Dogs make kids more responsible. Trying to teach your kids how to connect with people? Owning a dog can really help. Research shows that kids who feel a strong attachment to their dog feel “more connected to their communities and relationships.”
  4. Dogs decrease allergies in children. Dogs expose kids to common allergens, so kids who grow up with dogs have a lower risk of developing asthma and allergies to both indoor and outdoor allergens.
  5. Dogs encourage us to stay active. Plain and simple: people who own pets get more daily activity than those who don't. And it’s not just the dog walks. Studies show that dog owners also tend to get more exercise.
  6. Dogs help us age better. Between the physical and emotional benefits of owning a dog, studies have shown that dog owners feel an increased sense of purpose after retirement. 
Did you know?
Answer: Giant Schnauzer 
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