"Dogs are my favorite people." - Richard Dean Anderson
Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop: 
  • Turns out, your dog can legally serve as your wedding officiant in a handful of states
  • 100% natural anti-inflammatory dog biscuits for healthy pups
  • A curated newsletter that covers top stories in science, business, politics, & culture
  • What happens when Veterinarians and music industry vets come together
True or False...
Dogs are able to block out some sounds and tune in to others.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)

Your Dog Can Be Your Official Wedding Witness
Getting married? Many dog owners want to include their furry friends in their big day, and have gotten pretty creative about how to include their pup in the ceremony. Here’s some good news: depending on where you live, your dog can be your wedding witness in the eyes of the law. 

Here’s the deal. Twenty-three states and Washington, D.C. require only a signed license. In six more states, including California, Iowa, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and South Dakota, only one witness is needed, so there's still space for a pet to sign. While your dog can’t exactly “sign” their name to the license, you can help them out with a paw print stamp.

Want your dog to officiate your wedding? If you live in Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Washington, D.C., your pup can legally serve as your wedding officiant. This is a particularly good option for couples who like speeches to be kept brief so they can hit the dance floor! 
An anti-inflammatory diet is healthy for both humans and canines. These easy-to-make homemade treats taste great. Plus, they contain anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and flaxseeds that will keep your dog in peak condition.

How to make anti-inflammatory dog biscuits:
  • What you’ll need: instant oats, ground flaxseeds, turmeric, black pepper, water, and an egg.
  • Preheat the oven to 350º F.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Stir in the egg and water.
  • Knead the dough until it’s wet and sticky.
  • Allow the dough to rest on the counter for 15 minutes.
  • Roll the dough to ¼’’ thickness.
  • Use a bone-shaped cookie cutter to cut the dough.
  • Place treats on the baking sheet.
  • Bake for 30 minutes, or until the treats are cooked through.
  • Allow the treats to cool completely on a wire rack, then give your dog a treat! 
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Veterinarians and music industry vets are teaming up to curate therapeutic pet playlists.
Music helps us chill out, so it’s no surprise that music can have a similarly relaxing effect on dogs. But if you think your dog likes the same music that you do simply because they’re your best friend, think again.

Zoundz Music for Pets is dedicated to studying and curating playlists that will have a therapeutic effect on pets. Dr. Lisa Radosta – a veterinary behaviorist and advisor to Zoundz – said, “What I like about Zoundz is that they took science that’s already published and jumped off from it to create species specific music.”

She added, “They found dogs sleep better to classical music. Then they began collecting more physical data — heart rate variability, cortisol levels in saliva — and found that classical music is better than pop and other genres, but that audiobooks, where someone’s reading, is even better.” 

Pet Acoustics also strives to soothe animals through music. Janet Marlow – an animal sound behaviorist and founder of Pet Acoustics – explains, “Dogs and cats prefer long, sustained phrases… Sort of, ‘Just put me in that canoe on that gentle river and I’m gone and dreaming for the next few hours.’” 

These are helpful tips if you’re trying to curate your own Spotify playlist for your pup, or you might check out these science-driven companies and let them do the work for you!
True or False...
Answer: True! For example, a dog may sleep through loud conversations but wake up instantly when he hears his food dish being filled. Turns out, that “selective hearing” we joke about is actually a real thing. 
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